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Soil Farms

Soil Building

Native Kodiak soils present significant challenges to farmers as they work to build healthy, productive soil farms.  The Kodiak Archipelago Leadership Institute, the Kodiak Soil and Water Conservation District and Oceanside Farms worked together to create this series of six videos to support farmers in their efforts to building productive soils with a focus on locally available resources.  Financial support for series development was provided by the USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement 2501 Program.

Understanding Native Soils
The Importance of Soil Conservation
Beach Peat:
To Peat or not to Peat?
Building Kodiak Soils: Kodiak Master Gardeners
Building Kodiak Soils:
Anton Larsen Island Farms
Oceanside Farms Composting Tutorial Part 1
Oceanside Farms Composting Tutorial Part 2

Suitable Kodiak Crops

Suitable Kodiak Crops

These presentations were developed and taught by Dr. Casey Matney, PhD, with the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service.  Support for their development was provided by the USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement’s 2501 Program.

Vegetable Crops

A list of information regarding vegetable crops that are appropriate for the Kodiak Archipelago climate. 

Lettuce and Greens

Information for successfully growing a variety of lettuce and greens that are well-suited for the Kodiak Archipelago climate. 

Root Crops

A comprehensive list of root crops that are suitable for the Kodiak Archipelago climate. 

Growing Garlic in Alaska 

Tips for growing and storing garlic, along with variety recommendations!

AFMA Archives

View previous presentations from the Alaska Farmers Market Association, including their Beginning & Young Farmers Skill Share Sessions! 

Fruit Trees 

Fruit Trees

There is very high interest in establishing orchards in the Kodiak Archipelago but few local growers and resources to turn to for information.  KALI working with Oceanside Farms of Homer, Alaska developed a series of videos with orchard owners on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula to assist future Kodiak orchardists.  Support for their development was provided by the USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement’s 2501 Program. 

Fruit Tree Varieties

Explore with Oceanside Farms some different fruit tree varieties that are suitable for Kodiak's growing season. 

Fruit Tree Planting Guide

A guide to how and where to plant specific fruit tree varieties.

Pruning Fruit Trees

Demonstration on care of fruit trees.

Fruit Production

A how-to on the harvest and care for your fruit production.

Garden Inspiration

A video tour of Sailboat Cove Botanical Gardens on Kodiak Island.

Apple Trees for Northern Climates

In depth information on growing apple trees in northern climates written by Schroer Fruit Tree Research.

2019 Apple Tasting Tally 

Check out this super fun experiment done by the Alaska Pioneer Fruit Growers Association to taste test the best apples of 2019...

Growing Fruit in Alaska 

University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension comprehensive information on the things you need to know and consider when growing fruit trees in Alaska.

Apple Orchard Activity Calendar

An incredibly helpful calendar guide for the year round care of your apple trees. Created by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardens Association...


Learn about bees and over wintering hives from the Anchorage Backyard Beekeeper! 

Pest and Plant Diseases

Pest and Plant Diseases

These presentations were developed and taught by Dr. Casey Matney, PhD, with the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service.  Support for their development was provided by the USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement’s 2501 Program.

Integrated Pest Management

Information on different insect pests and multiple effective preventative and suppressing strategies for managing them. 

Plant Disease Basics

In depth information about the identification and diagnosis, treatment, and care of plant diseases.

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